City of Aurora
The City of Aurora offers an online system for the reporting of non-emergency concerns, however, should you need additional assistance or information, the following may assist you :
- For street light outages, contact XCel Energy at 800-895-4999 or report the issue online,
- For general inquiries with the City or Aurora, please call 303-739-7000,
- Police, non-emergency contact number is 303-739-6000, or for PAR 2 Resource Officer Smith, please call 303-739-6145,
- Fire Station 17, 26899 E 1st Pl, Aurora CO 80018-Non-emergency phone number is 303-326-8999 or 303-627-3130,
- Code Enforcement’s phone number is 303-739-7000, or please use the City of Aurora online reporting tool.
- For the City of Aurora Street Snow Removal Request, please call 303-326-8200,
- Taxes: 303-739-7800, Option 1,
- Aurora Water: 303-739-7388
- The City of Aurora has created, through the Unified Development Code, Section 146.7 which is a valuable resource to assist both Owners and the City in Landscaping, Water Conservation, and Stormwater Management. This guide has been designed to be used in the preparation of landscape plans that will promote, preserve, and enhance existing and new developments and the image of the City as a whole.
- Additionally, to aid Owners, TheĀ City of Aurora created a Landscape Reference Manual to provide helpful information to aid in the process of creating a landscape plan with low water requirements.

The City of Aurora offers an online system for the reporting of non-emergency concerns, however, should you need additional assistance or information, the following may assist you :
- For street light outages, contact XCel Energy at 800-895-4999 or report the issue online,
- For general inquiries with the City or Aurora, please call 303-739-7000,
- Police, non-emergency contact number is 303-739-6000, or for PAR 2 Resource Officer Smith, please call 303-739-6145,
- Fire Station 17, 26899 E 1st Pl, Aurora CO 80018-Non-emergency phone number is 303-326-8999 or 303-627-3130,
- Code Enforcement’s phone number is 303-739-7000, or please use the City of Aurora online reporting tool.
- For the City of Aurora Street Snow Removal Request, please call 303-326-8200,
- Taxes: 303-739-7800, Option 1,
- Aurora Water: 303-739-7388
- The City of Aurora has created, through the Unified Development Code, Section 146.7 which is a valuable resource to assist both Owners and the City in Landscaping, Water Conservation, and Stormwater Management. This guide has been designed to be used in the preparation of landscape plans that will promote, preserve, and enhance existing and new developments and the image of the City as a whole.
- Additionally, to aid Owners, TheĀ City of Aurora created a Landscape Reference Manual to provide helpful information to aid in the process of creating a landscape plan with low water requirements.